Всё же куча фана в фандоме теряется когда ты знаешь не весь канон. =)
Особенно это актуально в Докторе Кто. Потому что у нас есть не только олдскул, но и куча аудиокниг, комиксов и бог знает чего ещё.
Это я к тому, что во вселенной Доктора как минимум есть ещё один Таймлорд (Живой! =))). Ну как Таймлорд - Тайм Леди. =)))
С плохо произносимым именем Iris Wildthyme. И там всё, конечно, запутано и непросто. =)
Вот бы её в ньюскул, а? Всё, что я о ней прочла, предпологает, что это будет фeeрия. Был у нас чувак с будкой, а будет ещё тётка с автобусом. Лепота! =)))

Excelis Saga лежит у меня в надёжном месте и я обязательно её послушаю:

Excelis Dawns
That terrible old reprobate and transdimensional adventuress Iris Wildthyme has gone and locked herself up in a nunnery on the savage world of Artaris. Here she is discovered by the Doctor and the reasonably brutal warlord Grayvorn. Together with a peculiar nun they pick up en route they must travel the forests and swamps of this ghastly world in Iris's double decker bus in order to tussle to the death with a horde of flesh-eating zombies for a mysterious and holy relic of unfathomable value and questionable pedigree.
Excelis Rising
A thousand years after his first visit to the planet Artaris, the Sixth Doctor returns. As the city of Excelis spreads her Empire throughout the globe, death follows a mysterious Relic through the halls of the Imperial Museum. As the Doctor helps the Curator and the local authorities with this mystery, he finds himself crossing paths with a familiar face from Excelis history, but no-one lives for a thousand years, do they?
Excelis Decays
When the Doctor last visited the city of Excelis, its citizens were about to enter an age of enlightenment and reason. But some centuries later, he discovers a vicious totalitarian regime at war with the rest of Artaris, living off the efforts of a drugged and broken underclass. Who is the mysterious Lord Sutton, and what hold does he have over the ruling classes? What are the Meat Puppets, and what role do they play in the eternal war? And why is the Doctor's arrival the final piece in a plan that has been centuries in the making?
Throughout his lives, the Doctor has fought legends. But some legends refuse to die.
The Plague Herds of Excelis
The once proud city of Excelis is a crumbling ruin in a state of siege, as barbarians catapult pestilent animal corpses into the city to spread disease among those trapped inside.
Excelis is a city clinging to life by a thread. But ancient prophecies foretell a final retribution for the past arrogance of its rulers. When the sun is eaten away from the sky, when the ancient relic of Excelis is taken from its rightful resting-place, and when strangers are discovered among the people, then shall the whole world be doomed to die.
Today, the sun is a moth-eaten shadow. Plans are afoot to steal the relic. And a very tired and very fraught Professor Bernice Summerfield has just stomped into town in the company of a mysterious traveller in space and time known only as Iris Wildthyme. Pitted against a sinister prophet, the machinations of the Imperial court, and hordes of animal undead, Benny finds herself embroiled in the final stages of an aeons-old plan to commit genocide twice over - with no way out.

Я читала краткий пересказ каждой части от лица антагонистов - это не только трава, но и драма-драма (я часто вспоминала Лондо). Ну и дело Мастера не умрёт никогда. =))
А ещё там есть Гэтисс и (!) Голова, но об этом после прослушивания.