Народ делает прикольные комментарии к сценам из X-men.
Самые ржачные, естественно, связаны с Маккелленом. Ясно по какому поводу. =)
Wolverine: Didnt we do this in X1?
Magneto: Continuity Logan...continuity...
и ещё немножко пошло-ржачностей
Magneto: I'll just set you down riiiiight over here.
Wolverine: Branch. Branch! Fu**ing BRANCH!
Кратенько отношения Логана и Магнето, проходящие сквозь кучу капсов:
Magneto: That metal doesnt run through your entire body does it?
Wolverine: Well...
*Magneto smiles at Wolverine*
*Wolverine looks down*
Magneto: Well, must dash...I'll be seeing you later...
и так далее и тому подобное. =)
I told you this room had bad Feng Shui!!!"
Tom:"Ian, the X-men 3 set is over there. Run along now."
Magneto: "Well, hello Clarice!" *<- Я очень долго валялась. =)*
Professor X: "My tolerance for you sneaking up on me not withstanding, continue to stand behind me like that and I'll have you spend the rest of your life in the belief that you are Gandalf the Grey."
Magneto: "You can do that?"
Professor X: "I'll have the X-kids dress up as hobbits."